7 Tips to Create a Unique and Memorable Brand Identity

The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, once said, “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things effectively.”

According to TechJury, 89 percent of marketers claim that building brand awareness is their top goal. We are all well-aware of the fact that in today’s intensely competitive and rapidly changing market, your business needs an end-to-end branding strategy.
It is because a reputable brand identity helps your business and its products stand out from the other players that are available in the market.

Besides this, a well-established brand identity demonstrates your corporate story, thus helping your target audience relate to your brand. It also helps in establishing lasting relationships and stimulating brand loyalty among your customers.

However, creating a unique and memorable brand identity is not a piece of cake. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the seven amazing, tried, and tested tips that can help you build a strong brand identity:

1⦁ Know Your Audience

Just like any other aspect of marketing, the cornerstone of branding is to understand the characteristics, behaviors, values, and attributes of your target audience.
Think about it yourself! How will you be able to develop a brand identity unless you’re not aware of their attitudes, tastes, and preferences?

Therefore, the first step is to conduct thorough market research to understand the aspects and values of your brand that are most loved by your audience. You can start by answering the following questions:

⦁ What is their age bracket?
⦁ What do they like or dislike?
⦁ Do they live in the city or suburbs, etc.?

2⦁ Select Your Brand Tone

Your brand tone is how your customers see your company and website. It involves the adjectives that your target audience uses when describing your brand and its offerings.

For instance, when you think about the brand ‘Coke,’ the words ‘happiness,’ ‘togetherness’ and festivity comes to your mind. It is because Coca Cola uses these words in its advertising and promotions.

Another example is Adidas. The famous sports goods company has branded itself as it is not afraid to make innovative decisions and is always thinking ahead.

Your brand tone should be:

⦁ Professional
⦁ Service-oriented
⦁ Friendly
⦁ Authoritative
⦁ Technical
⦁ Promotional
⦁ Conversational
⦁ Informative

3⦁ Choose Your Color Scheme

Research conducted by Forbes revealed that color improves brand recognition by up to 80 percent.

It is essential to choose a suitable color scheme for your brand, which makes it attractive and memorable in the eyes of your target audience.

Not sure how to choose the most effective color palette that can help strengthen your brand identity? Don’t worry! Here are some useful tips to help you get started:

⦁ Start by choosing your primary color first. Mostly, the dominant color in your logo or existing branding displays your primary color. For instance, when we think about ‘McDonald’s,’ the color yellow comes to our mind.

⦁ Think about your target audience because information regarding their personality and common emotional characteristics can help you in choosing the best colors for your company’s branding.

⦁ One of the best practices is to rely on the color psychology principles for understanding common color meanings.

It is no secret that your company’s logo serves as the face of your brand. It is because your logo is everywhere, including company brochures, websites, products, and other marketing collaterals.

Thus, it is vital to create an eye-catching logo, as it is the most recognizable aspect of your brand. Moreover, your logo should be unique and memorable to stay etched in your customers’ minds.

Still, wondering why do you need a professional logo design for your business? Here is what you need to know:

⦁ A well-designed logo is easily recognizable and makes a great first impression.
⦁ A professional logo makes an impact both in color and in black and white.
⦁ All the elements of a logo convey the brand’s message meaningfully.

It means that your logo design requires a considerable amount of time and effort because a poorly designed one can easily damage your brand identity and turn your customers away.

5⦁ Create and Share Valuable Content

We’ve often heard the saying ‘Content is King’. So, to beat the competition, many businesses sacrifice the quality of content over quantity and focus on the posting frequency only.

However, it is essential to note that providing the audience with informative and reliable content is critical for strengthening brand identity.
Still, questioning the value of content in building a unique and memorable brand identity?

Let’s have a look at a few statistics regarding content marketing:

⦁ Research by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) revealed that 91 percent of B2B marketers use content marketing to reach out to their customers.

⦁ According to Altimeter, 78 percent of consumers will trust your brand if you create more and more customized content.

⦁ A study conducted by Aberdeen demonstrated that conversion rates are nearly six times higher for content marketing adopters compared to non-adopters.

These numbers prove that creating and sharing effective content with the target audience goes hand in hand with building a brand identity.

6⦁ Promote Customer Success Stories

It is a known fact that evidence-based content marketing aids in shaping strong brand identity and lasting relationships with the target audience.

It is because case studies or customer success stories are made up of real-life customer scenarios; thereby, helping you to build credibility and brand trustworthiness.
Still not convinced how customer success stories can take your brand identity game to the next level? Here is what you need to know:

⦁ Customer success stories give your audience the confidence to trust your products or services by providing relatable human evidence of its value.

⦁ They often include keywords that can help your website rank higher on Google, thus enhancing your brand identity.

⦁ They are a source of unique and reusable content.

⦁ They help amplify reach and engagement through compelling narratives.

⦁ They do not just help in building brand image but also encourage brand retention.

So, if you want to make an impact among your target audience and create a unique and memorable brand identity, you should consider promoting your case studies.

7 ⦁ Unlock the Power of Influencer Marketing

By now, we know that building a brand identity is one of the most important steps if you want your business to stand out from the crowd.

However, due to changing marketing dynamics, many companies have adopted modern methods of reaching out to their audiences. One such technique is known as ‘Influencer Marketing.’

A survey conducted by The Influencer Marketing Hub in 2019 revealed that businesses are making $5.20 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing.

Similarly, according to Google Trends, the rapid increase in influencer marketing 2014-2019 mirrors the decrease in print advertising. It means that marketers have shifted from the traditional means of advertising to influencer marketing.

Still, wondering why you should invest in influencer marketing to strengthen your brand identity? Here is what you need to know:

⦁ Industry influencers have built relationships, trust, and credibility with their followers over time. Thus people respect their choice and recommendations.

⦁ Influencer marketing can expand your reach and strengthen brand identity on different social media platforms.

⦁ By selecting relevant industry influencers, your content can be placed in front of those social media users that are already interested in your products or offerings.

⦁ One of the primary reasons why influencer marketing is more effective in building a brand identity is because it isn’t pushy at all.

So, if you are looking to set your brand apart from the competition, you should start with an effective influencer marketing plan.

Final Words

All in all, it is critical to remember that you cannot create impactful brand recognition and identity in a day. The key is to be patient, as everything requires some time.

Research conducted by Forbes revealed that presenting a brand consistently across all platforms can increase revenue by around 23 percent. It is because consistency is one of the most crucial branding principles.

Moreover, in today’s competitive marketplace, every other business is trying to gain your audience’s attention, thus establishing a unique brand identity has become a challenging task.

However, the good news is that by consistently applying the branding tips and tricks mentioned above, you can positively attract your target audience and gain recognition with ease.

Author Bio

Erica Silva

Erica Silva is a blogger who loves to discover and explore the world around her. She writes on everything from marketing to technology. She enjoys sharing her discoveries and experiences with readers and believes her blogs can make the world a better place.
Find her on Twitter: @ericadsilva1


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