Home COMPUTER What Your Choice in Fonts Says About You

What Your Choice in Fonts Says About You


You probably don’t think much about fonts in your day-to-day life. They’re just a practical way to communicate with other people, right? However, it turns out that the font you choose says a lot about how you see yourself and what kind of person you are.

Serif Fonts vs Sans-Serif Fonts

You might associate serif fonts with words like “classic,” “traditional,” and even “stodgy.” But according to a survey of over 300 people, the majority of people (58%) said that they were attracted to other people who use sans-serif fonts. Why? Well, it turns out that people who use serif alphabet fonts tend to be more “traditional” and serious. Meanwhile, people who use sans-serif fonts are considered to be more “modern” and laid back.

And according to this article, which surveyed over 500 women, the majority of them (51%) said that they were turned off by men who use serif fonts.

Fonts with Points at the Top and Bottom (vs. Those without)

When people write in fonts that have points at the top and bottom, they’re usually seen as more “positive” and “progressive.” Meanwhile, fonts without points on top and bottom are considered to be more “realistic” and “mature.”

Also, according to this survey of over 1,000 people, the majority of them said that they were turned off by men who use fonts that have points at the top and bottom. So if you want to attract women, avoid writing in any kind of “feminine” text fonts.

According to the same survey, the majority of them said that they were turned off by men who use fonts that have points on top and bottom. And according to this poll, 63% of women said that they don’t find men who write in aesthetic fonts attractive either.


There are even colors that go along with different fonts. For example, people who prefer yellow tend to be more “dramatic” and “joyful.” Meanwhile, people who choose black tend to be more “practical” and down-to-earth.

If you want to attract people who are free-spirited and fun-loving, go with yellow fonts. But if you want to attract serious, practical people, go with black fonts.

Arial vs Helvetica

Did you know that there are over 200 different fonts out there? However, the vast majority of them (about 90%) are either Arial or Helvetica. That’s because they’re both “clean” and “simple” fonts.

It turns out that people who choose these kinds of fonts are usually more “practical” and “logical.” Meanwhile, people who use unique fonts like Comic Sans or Papyrus tend to be more creative and unique themselves.

Fonts with Curls vs. Those Without

Fonts that have curls are known as “elegant” and “romantic,” while fonts that don’t have curls are considered to be more “modern.”

Script vs. Serif vs. Sans-Serif

Script fonts are known for being “romantic,” while serif and sans-serif fonts are considered to be more “serious.” So the next time you want to write a love letter, go with a script font!

Whether you’re going for romantic, serious, or anything in between, CreativeMarket is the place to go for all sorts of fonts.

Fonts with Dots vs. Those without

Surprisingly, fonts that have dots are considered to be more “modern.” Meanwhile, fonts that don’t have any of them at all are known for being more “traditional.”

Slanted or Curved Letters vs. Block Letters

According to this article, people who write in block letters (straight up and down) are usually seen as more “conservative” and “uptight.” Meanwhile, people who write in slanted or curved letters are considered to be more “mature.” So if you want to come off as the opposite of what the article claims, then go ahead and choose block letters.

Font Size

People who write in large font sizes are usually perceived as more “extroverted” and “outgoing.” Meanwhile, people who write in small font sizes are generally considered to be more “introverted” and “serious.”

So if you want to come off as someone who’s extroverted, choose a font that’s bigger than normal. But if you want to keep things more intimate, stick with fonts that are smaller in size.

Fonts with Angles

According to this survey, people who choose fonts that have angles are usually seen as more “independent.” Meanwhile, people who use fonts that don’t have any of them at all are generally considered to be more “cooperative.”



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