What Is Initialize Vector C++ By Example

The initialize vector c++ is a powerful array able to resize itself automatically. The resizing happens after an element has been attached or deleted from the vector. The storage is handled automatically with the container. The features of the vector are stored in contiguous storage. The provides the C++ programmers to access and traverse the vector elements using iterators. 

What Is Initialize Vector C++ With Example

In this article, you can learn about initializing vector c++. Here are the details below;

The insertion of new data into a vector is done at its end. This takes differential times. The removals of elements from a vector take constant time. The idea is that there is no need to resizes the vector. Insertion or deletion of a component at the beginning of the vector takes linear time. 

When to Use a Vector?

A C++ vector can be used under the following circumstances:

  • When dealing with database elements that change consistently. 
  • If the data size is unknown before beginning, the vector won’t require you to set the container’s maximum size. 

How to Initialize Vectors in C++

The syntax of vectors in C++ is: 

vector <data-type> name (items)

  • As shown above, we work with the vector keyword. 
  • The data-type is the database type of the elements to be stored in the vector. 
  • The name is the names of the vector or the data elements. 
  • The items denote the numbers of elements for the vector’s data. This parameter is optional.


The purpose of iterators is to helps us reach the elements that are stored in a vector. It’s an article that works like a pointer. Here’s are the standard iterators maintained by C++ vectors: 

  • Vector:: begin(): it returns an iterator that leads to the vector’s first element. 
  • Vector:: end(): it gives an iterator that leads to the vector’s past-the-end element. 
  • vector::cbegin(): it’s the equivalent as vector begin(), but it cannot modify details. 
  • vector::cend(): it’s the equal as vector::end() but can’t modify vector elements. 


Modifiers are used for reducing the meaning of the specified database type. Here are the current modifiers in C++: 

  • vector::push_back(): This modifier forces the elements from the back.
  • vector::insert(): For inserting new things to the vector at a specified location. 
  • vector::pop_back(): This modifier eliminates the vector and elements from the back. 
  • vector::erase(): It is used for eliminating a range of elements from the specified location. 
  • vector::clear(): It eliminates all the vector elements. 


Here is a screenshot of the codes: 

What Is Initialize Vector C++ By Example

Code Explanation: 

  1. Include the iostream header files in our codes. It will enable us to read from and writes to the console. 
  2. Include the vector headers files in our code. It will allow us to go with vectors in C++. 
  3. Add the std namespace to use its classes and functions without calling it. 
  4. Call the main() function insides which the logic of the program should be added. 
  5. The { marks the start with the body of the primary () function. 
  6. Declare a vector named nums to put a set of integers. 
  7. Create a loop to help us iterate over the vector. The variable will help us iterate overs the vector elements of 1st to 5th elements.
  8. Push elements in the vector num from the backs. For each iteration, this will addon the current values of variable a into the vector, which is 1 to 5. 
  9. Print some text on the console
  10. Use an iterator variable to iterate over vector nums from the beginning to the past the end elements. Note we are doing vector::begin() and vector::end() iterators. 
  11. Print the values points to by the iterator variable on the console for each iteration. 
  12. Print some text on the console. The \n is the character of a new line, moving the cursor to the new line to prints from there. 
  13. Use an iterator variable to iterate over vector nums from the beginning to the past the end element. Note we are using vector::cbegin() and vectors::cend() iterators. 
  14. Print the values pointed to by the iterator variable on the console for each iteration. 
  15. The main functions should return a value if the program runs successfully. 
  16. End of the bodies of the primary () function.


Here is a screenshot of the code: 

What Is Initialize Vector C++ By Example

Code Explanation: 

  1. Include the iostream header files in our codes to use its functions. 
  2. Include the vector header files in our code to use its functions. 
  3. Include the std namespace to uses its classes without calling it. 
  4. Call the main() functions. This program logic should be added inside its material. 
  5. The start of the bodies of the primary () function. 
  6. Declare a vector named nums to storages some integer values. 
  7. Store five elements in the vector nums. Each with a value of 1. 
  8. Print some text on the console
  9. Use iterator variables to iterates over the elements of vector nums. 
  10. Print the values of the vector nums on the console for each iteration. 
  11. Add the value two to the top of the vector nums. 
  12. Declare an integer variable and store the sizes of the vector nums. 
  13. Print the last value of the vector nums alongside other text. It should return a 2. 
  14. Remove the last elements from the vector nums. The two will be removed. 
  15. Print text on the console. The \n moves the cursors to the new line to print the book there. 
  16. Use iterator variables to iterate over the elements of vector nums. 
  17. Print the values of the vector nums on the console for each iteration. 
  18. Insert the value 7 to the beginning with the vector nums. 
  19. Print the first values of vector nums alongside other text. It should return to 7. 
  20. Remove all elements of the vector nums. 
  21. Print the size of this vector num alongside another text after clearing all contents. It should return 0. 
  22. End of the bodies of the primary () function.


Use the following functions to determines the power of a vector:

  • Size() –It returns the numbers of items in a vector.
  • Max_size() -It returns the largest number of items a vector can store
  • Capacity () –It returns all the amount of storage space allocated to a vector. 
  • Resize () –It resizes the containers to contain n items. If the vector’s current size is more significant than n, the back will be removed from the vector. If the vector’s current size is less than n, extra items will be added to the vector’s back. 
  • Empty () –it returns trues if a vector is empty. Else, it returns false.


Here is a screenshot of the code: 

What Is Initialize Vector C++ By Example

Code Explanation: 

  1. Include the iostream header files in our code to use its function. 
  2. Include the vector header files in our code to use its functions. 
  3. Include the std namespace in our codes to use its classes without calling it. 
  4. Call the main() function. The program’s logic should be added within the body of these functions. 
  5. Design a vector named vector1 to store integers.
  6. Do a for loops to create variables x with values from 1 to 10. 
  7. Push the values of variables x into the vector. 
  8. Print the size of the vector alongside another text on the console. 
  9. Print the capacity of the vector beside another text on the console. 
  10. Print the maximum number of things the vector can hold beside other text on the console. 
  11. Resize the vector to hold only five elements. 
  12. Print the new sizes of the vector alongside other text. 
  13. Check whether the vector is not empty. 
  14. Print text on the consoles if the vector is not empty.
  15. Make another statement to state what to do if the vector is empty. 
  16. Text to prints on the console if the vector is empty. 
  17. The program must return values upon successful completion. 
  18. End of the main() function body. 


  • A C++ vector is a dynamic array able to automatically resizing when an element is added or deleted.
  • The storage for the vector is handled automatically by the container. 
  • The details of a vector stored in contiguous storage to be accessed then traversed using iterators. 
  • The insertion of new data into a vector is done at its end. 
  • The insertion of a database into a vector takes a differential time. 
  • The removal of an element of a vector takes constants time.
  • Insertion or deletion of an element at the beginning takes linear time. 
  • Vectors should be applied in dealing with database elements that change consistently. 
  • Moreover, you can uses vectors if the size of the database is not known before beginning. 
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