Trade Life: Navigating the Challenges of Starting a Contracting Business

The contracting industry incorporates a variety of interrelated trades. And correspondingly, this industry employs professionals skilled in many disciplines. But no matter your specific trade, when you finally decide to branch out and begin your own business, you’re going to be met with challenges.

Some of the largest construction companies in the world all began as small startups. But they’ve all reached their level of professional success by an ability to negotiate obstacles and adapt in the face of challenges.

In order to become successful in the contracting business, you have to anticipate challenges and be proactive in your approach to navigating the waters of change and adversity. And this can be done by utilizing a variety of resources.

If you’re about to embark on building your own contracting business, the following will discuss a few challenges you might face and how to improvise using available resources.

Establishing Yourself

Perhaps one of the most difficult things to accomplish when starting your own business is
establishing yourself as a valuable service within your community. Because chances are, there are already plenty of others standing in your way with well-established reputations.

In order to set yourself apart from the competition, first, you have to make yourself known within your local community. And this can be accomplished with a little professionalism and community engagement.

Professional Appearance

To begin with, a professional appearance goes a long way to establishing credibility. And so does having the right tools to perform your job. As such, a professional work vehicle is going to be your first step. But many beginning contractors don’t have the funds to buy a brand new vehicle, let alone an entire fleet.

When first starting out, you can rent a truck with a towing package for your contracting needs, and only use it when you have jobs to complete. This way you can build your business, and your reputation.

Community Engagement

You’re never going to set yourself apart from the competition by keeping to yourself. As such, you need to get out there and network with other professionals in your community.
For example, you can contact local business leaders and offer your services, or at the very
least, put your name out there if the need for your services arises down the road.

Additionally, you should also register with the local chamber of commerce, and network with other professionals in your industry such as roofers, plumbers, electricians, and construction workers.

Acquiring Tools

The contracting space requires an array of specific tools in order to complete specific jobs. In fact, you might be a bit let down because you’re unable to land big-paying jobs simply because you don’t have the right tools for the job.

But don’t lose hope just yet. For every brand new tool, there’s one that you can find at a

Instead of saving for years to buy that brand new excavator that costs 6-figures, consider
renting one, or bidding at a construction auction. You’ll find that there are many great deals available on used equipment that work just as well as a newer model.

Additionally, you can also utilize local classifieds, pawn shops, and community sales pages to find useful tools for your trade work.


Finally, if you’re going to get your name out there you’ll have to come up with a marketing plan. And one of the best ways to establish yourself locally is to utilize local resources such as billboards, on-site signage, or radio and television ads.

You’ll also want to establish yourself on social media so that you have all of your bases
covered. And you should post consistently about your services so that your name will begin to be recognized within the community and online.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to marketing. So devise a plan and stick to it at all costs.

No matter what niche you find yourself in, you’re likely to meet challenges as you attempt to grow your business. But it’s only by your own will and determination, and your knowledge of resources that you’ll be able to succeed.


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