Twitter FIX: Something Went Wrong Error in 2020

Twitter FIX: Something went wrong Error 

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Twitter FIX: Something Went Wrong Error in 2020

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Twitter is a unique social media platform used for sharing short messages across the world. It is a platform that allows us to tweet whatever we want, be it the latest news, or let your peers know you’re on vacation.

Twitter also reaffirms its role as an app for the spread of information. High-profile users reach out to thousands of followers to get their message across, be it a kind cause or the latest trends.

Growing millions of monthly active users, with numbers on the increase as time passes, Twitter is a growing network for everyone worldwide. From the average user to aspiring journalists and companies whose social networking appearance as part of their media strategies.

Then you’re on your mobile device or computer and in the mood for tweeting something, but all of an unexpected you’re greeted by Something went wrong message. Luckily for you, we have some solutions that might help you fix the problem.

Fix: Something went wrong but didn’t fret; it’s not your fault.

  1. Clear the browser cache
  2. Edit your layout
  3. Do use Incognito mode

1. Clear the browser cache

Twitter FIX: Something Went Wrong Error

An easy way involves going to your browser settings and clearing up your cache and cookies. To a broader sweep of Twitter cookies, you can utilize CCleaner for safer results. They should help with your login.

2. Edit your Layout

Another solution involves some fast editing to the page layout, seen on a Reddit thread. This solution goes for consent_violation_flow errors.

  1. If you open the page, right-click it and select Inspect.

Twitter FIX: Something Went Wrong Error


  1. Open up the code and have deleting elements until you’re left with just the header bar.
  2. After doing that, log out as usual.

3. Use Incognito mode

Twitter FIX: Something Went Wrong Error

 If earlier workarounds didn’t help, try using Incognito mode, which disables local data from being stored on your machine. To open Incognito mode, do the following:

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Click this Menu icon in the top-right corner and select New incognito window. 
  3. Check if the problem continues.

If Incognito mode doesn’t work, you can try another web browser and try to login with it.

Learn, if you’ve had your account suspended, follow up on community guidelines.

Have you faced problems with Something went wrong Twitter error? Let us know in the comment section.


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